Eco-friendly Events: 8 Easy Ways to Go Green

As our awareness of environmental issues grows, all of us — both consumers and businesses — are finding new ways to reduce our carbon footprint and do our part to protect our planet. The event industry is no exception to this shift.

Why sustainable events matter

With climate change and environmental issues at the forefront of global concerns, sustainable events are no longer just a trend; they are essential. Not only are they good for the planet but they are also in line with environmentally-friendly business practices and play a huge role in establishing your company’s brand and image.

This goes beyond meeting your organisation’s sustainability targets. Rather, it’s about matching the values of your attendees. More and more consumers, especially millennials and Gen Z, are choosing to support and buy from brands that are committed to sustainability. Organising eco-friendly events is, therefore, key to appealing to younger generations.

Let’s make your next event more eco-friendly

For event managers, organising green events can sometimes be challenging. How can you deliver an exceptional experience while keeping within the budget and meeting sustainability targets on top of everything? It can be a tricky balance to strike, but not impossible!

In this blog post, we will share eight practical tips you can implement to make your next event more sustainable. Follow this guide to reduce your company’s carbon footprint and show your commitment to responsible, forward-thinking business practices.

8 practical tips to make your event more sustainable

Making eco-conscious choices when planning an event might be easier than you think. Here are eight ways to make your next event more eco-friendly:

#1: Choose a certified sustainable venue for your event

One of the simplest yet most impactful actions you can take to make your next event more sustainable is choosing an eco-conscious venue.

By hosting your event at a venue that has energy-efficient systems, water conservation measures, waste-reduction programmes, and more already in place, you can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of your event.

To find sustainable venues in Austria, look for certified Green Events Locations. These are venues that have made an ongoing commitment to meet rigorous environmental standards and are licensed with the Austrian Ecolabel for Green Events.

#2: Say no to single-use plastic

Yes, convenience is key, especially at large events — but it can be achieved without adding to the pile of single-use plastic that is already littering our planet. Most soft plastics are difficult to recycle, making them a nightmare for both our environment and the waste management at your event.

Here are some simple steps you can take to avoid single-use plastic at your event:

  • Use re-usable tableware: ceramic plates, glass or ceramic cups, and metal cutlery.

  • Wherever it’s not possible to use re-usable products, choose biodegradable alternatives to single-use plastic, such as bamboo-based cutlery.

  • Reduce packaging material where possible and ensure any packaging material that is used is either recyclable or biodegradable.

  • Avoid single sachets of sugar, salt, or coffee, opting for salt shakers and other dispensers instead.

  • Encourage guests to bring water bottles and refill them at drinking stations.

#3: Establish a comprehensive waste management system

No matter how hard you try, there is one thing you simply can’t avoid: Events will always generate a certain amount of waste. But how you manage this waste can make a huge difference.

To keep your event as environmentally friendly as possible, you should put a waste management system in place that follows the principle ‘reduce, reuse, and recycle’.

Here are some tangible steps you can take:

  • Place colour-coded and clearly labelled recycling and rubbish bins for different types of waste strategically throughout the event venue.

  • Put up clear signage that encourages your guests to dispose of their waste properly.

  • Have a dedicated service team who can collect, empty, and sort the waste throughout the event.

#4: Make sustainable catering choices and avoid food waste

Running out of food and facing hungry guests has got to be one of the biggest nightmares of every event planner. Naturally, you want to offer your guests an abundance of delicacies that will keep them happy and well-fed. At the same time, food waste is a huge concern in rich countries, and events in particular often send a lot of leftover food to the landfills. So, how can you offer your guests mouth-wateringly delicious foods and still meet your sustainability targets?

Here are a few suggestions to make your event catering more eco-friendly:

  • Source your food sustainably by choosing to work with caterers who prioritise local, seasonal, and organic ingredients.

  • Offering more plant-based options and less meat helps you reduce the carbon footprint of your event.

  • Carefully estimate the number of attendees and plan realistic portion sizes — you want to order for individuals, not the crowd!

  • Prioritise smart service styles that allow your guests to choose their foods and have control over their portion size, such as buffets.

  • To avoid leftover food going to waste, connect with food donation programmes, local foodbanks or shelters, or consider alternative options such as livestock feeding.

#5: Make sure sustainable transport options are available

Consider how the majority of your guests are travelling to the venue. If most of the attendees are commuting in a private vehicle by themselves, this will drive up the carbon footprint of your event significantly. While the transport choices of your guests may not be fully within your control, there are several measures you can take to encourage eco-conscious decisions:

  • Choose a venue that is easily accessible with public transport and offer incentives for guests to choose this mode of transport.

  • Provide shuttle services to the event venue and/or accommodation. Bonus points if you can use electric, hydrogen, or hybrid cars for this.

  • Where shuttles aren’t available, encourage your attendees to carpool and offer them a platform to organise this.


And here’s another thought: If possible, why not organise your event as a hybrid event and enable guests to attend virtually instead of having to travel to the event venue? You can read our tips on organising successful hybrid events here.

#6: Shift from print to digital

Invitations, brochures and flyers, programmes and schedules, event maps — anyone who has attended a large-scale event knows that all too often you return home with a handful of paper that ends up in the bin the next day. By going digital, you can reduce waste and streamline your communication with your attendees.

Consider these strategies to go paperless:

  • Use online platforms to send invitations, manage sign-ups, and cancellations. This also makes it easy for you to keep an overview of the RSVPs.

  • Create QR codes attendees can scan to access digital versions of any documents, information material, and promotional content.

  • For large events, consider working with an event app or member’s platform where attendees can access schedules, programmes, speaker bios, events maps, and more in one place.

  • Choose a venue with digital screens to replace printed banners and posters. This allows you to update all information in real time, reduces waste, and also saves you on printing costs.

  • For meetings and collaborative events, swap out traditional flipcharts for digital collaboration tools, such as digital flipcharts or whiteboards.

#7: Opt for eco-friendly merchandise and goodies

Swag, goodie bags, and other event giveaways are a promotional staple, but too many of these items end up in the landfill. To make your event more sustainable, opt for merchandise and goodies that your attendees will actually appreciate and continue using long after event. Ideally, these are also produced in an eco-friendly way.

Here are some tips on you can make your event swag a little greener:

  • Choose practical and durable items for your merchandise. Everyday items, such as canvas tote bags, stainless steel water bottles, or subtly branded notebooks and pens, are more likely to be used by your guests.

  • Where possible, opt for items made from recycled and/or sustainable material, such as recycled plastic, organic cotton, or bamboo.

  • Consider the carbon footprint related to the production and shipping of your chosen items and source your merchandise from local or fair-trade suppliers.

  • Include items that are in line with an eco-conscious theme, such as seed packets, plantable pencils, or organic treats or snacks.

  • Consider swapping some physical items out for digital alternatives, such as e-books, online courses, or discount codes for eco-friendly businesses.

#8: Offset your event’s carbon footprint

Despite all your best efforts, your event is likely to have some impact on the environment. The best way to mitigate this and show your commitment to sustainability is to calculate and offset your carbon footprint.

You can do this by investing in projects that capture or reduce carbon emissions, such as reforestation projects, initiatives for renewable energy, or conservation efforts.

Besides good karma and a clear conscience, this can score you bonus points with your target audience. Promote your efforts in keeping your event eco-friendly and offsetting your carbon footprint to boost your brand’s image and encourage other businesses to follow suit.

Discover certified sustainable event venues with Konflinx

There are many factors that impact your event’s carbon footprint. But remember: It’s better to do the things you can do rather than becoming overwhelmed with all the possibilities and choosing not to do anything differently.

If you are looking for one easy step to make your event more environmentally friendly, we recommend you start by choosing a sustainable event venue.

Haven’t found a sustainable event venue that meets your needs yet?

Konflinx helps you take the hassle out of searching for and comparing event spaces. Through our online platform, you can effortlessly browse, compare, and book the most popular event venues across Austria in just a few clicks.

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